awarded for wise surrender

The Condensed Version of The Serenity Prayer’s Message:

Amidst the final stages of terminal illness, a beloved spiritual mentor and friend pulled me in close like she was about to share an incredible secret of The Universe and told me “Fuck it” was the condensed version of The Serenity Prayer.

And then, we both laughed through tears.

I knew that even in her death, she was teaching me.

I witnessed how she stopped fighting against the inevitable

and made choices in the areas where she actually had power. 

She had no choice in the death, but she made choices about the dying. 

She had been fighting and fighting. 

And then, she decided to stop fighting. 

She stopped affirming it away.

She stopped praying for a miracle, because she did not want a miracle anymore. She had already gotten many miracles and extensions.

She stopped not because she or The Divine had failed,

but because she was complete with what her soul came here to do. 

She rejected the idea that she had created her illness by not thinking positively enough or that it had come as some sort of punishment. 

This was misinformation she would not perpetuate.

She knew it was her time and she surrendered the struggle and accepted her death.

This was not easy, but she did it anyway.

She chose how hard the hard needed to be in the end. 

And for those of you who are not familiar with The Serenity Prayer, attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr, is states:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things that I can.  And the wisdom to know the difference.”

How many times do we make ourselves suffer to a greater extent because we hold on too long to that which is over or approaching inevitable death? 

How many times do we suffer because we try to control or change things we cannot possibly control or change?

A snake sheds its skin not because it has been bad.

It sheds its skin because it is time.

This Soul Success Medal for Humanity is earned by those who knew when it was time and made some choices about the dying.

It is for those who let it go and let it be. 

It is for those who took a deep, breath and said a nice, empowered, 

“Fuck It”.

Fuck it: Let it go.

Fuck it: Let it be.

Or, Fuck it: Let’s do this. 

Take your pick.  These are all moments of Holy Surrender which will usher you into the glorious unknown.

And, yes, there should most certainly be a medal for that.

If you have earned or are earning this Soul Success Medal for Humanity, please place your hand on your heart and claim it for yourself.

The Soul Success Medals for Humanity at Soul Food Gallery