When consulted, our hearts are our own preinstalled wise council override.
And this Soul Success Medal for Humanity is earned by those who use and listen to their hearts and grant it the most weight in the decision making process.
Bravely bringing the energy of Love online means sometimes there is no tangible evidence backing up which way to go or what choice to make.
‘This just feels right’ or ‘This just feels wrong’ has to be enough.
These are the people who know the language of their own ‘this just feels’ energy and trust it. They trust it not to know all the answers, but to lead them to the next answer and the next rightful place to go or not go.
They do not apologize for using their heart and what that looked like.
They know Love looks like a lot of things.
They know Happily Ever After does exist and is an incredible experience of our hearts capacity to share, delight and build life together.
Yet, they understand Happily Ever After is not the only measure of Love’s success.
They know, sometimes it will not be revealed until years later why people were actually in relationship. With time and perspective, they may notice the incredible people, as well as other parting gifts of purpose, that only exist because two beloveds danced together.
They also know that they can be in Happily Ever After all by themselves.
Because Loved is not only what you did, it is what you are.
Always and Forever.
If you have earned or are earning this Soul Success Medal for Humanity, please place your hand on your heart and claim it for yourself.
The Soul Success Medals for Humanity at Soul Food Gallery